

The Webster’s definition of “compromise” is; a concession to something derogatory. As we look at the world surrounding us, compromise permeates all aspects of our lives. It affects our choices and our relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. It also affects our relationships and interaction with those around us. Many times we make important decisions that will affect us the rest of our lives. Do we compromise in these situations choosing what might be easier for us rather than what the Lord would have for our lives?

One thing that comes to mind is compromise in a relationship between a man and a woman. The Bible in 2 Corinthians 6:14 says, “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?” (KJV) Do we engage in a relationship with someone that does not know Christ as their personal savior? According to this passage it tells us not to be “unequally yoked together with the unbelievers”.

Do we make a compromise like so many others do just because we feel someone may be our “soul mate”? Do we compromise in this because someone may be that perfect someone? The Lord is all we need in our lives. In his wisdom and love and his understanding of us, he created the special bond between to people of the opposite sex. Through this bond we may act in ways we never thought we would have any other time. The Lord warns us to seek a God-fearing man or woman to be free from compromise that may ensue through a relationship with an unbeliever.

Solomon was considered the wisest man to ever live, yet he made this mistake. He accepted compromise. Solomon married many women, many of whom were pagans (unbelievers). In order to please them he turned his heart from God and made a compromise with them. He allowed them to keep their practices and their gods. In the end this hardened his heart towards God.

We also compromise through our actions in life around friends. Our human nature is driven by pride and the want to be accepted by those around us. In all honesty no one can say that they have never done something that was probably pretty stupid to be accepted by someone else. We seek acceptance from the world rather than wholly from God.

John 17:14 states, “I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.” God has given us his word but the world does not like to here about it. Do we choose to just go along with everything rather than tell others what Christ has done? Do we continue acting like the world just to be accepted by those around us? Do we compromise to make things more comfortable for ourselves? Or do take a stand for Christ? How do you live your life?

1 comment:

Susan Skitt said...

Great post Jared. I'm glad that nothing we can do can ever change our position in Christ. It might affect fellowship with God, but the Bible says we won't have to wonder if we're going to Heaven or not when we trust Christ as Savior. That relationship can never be broken.

I know you know this. I'm just pointing out the difference that Pappy stresses between the word "relationship" and "fellowship or friendship" with God. Some people are afraid that if they mess up, they might lose their salvation, or their relationship with God. They can't because that was bought with Christ's shed blood on the cross. Christ did the work.

With that said, it's good to see you thinking these things through in the light of God's Word and writing about it. Always, always the Bible should be our guide. As we submit to the Holy Spirit and pray, we will be strengthened with God's power to resist tempatation. Standing firm on God's promises certainly gives us the wisdom to follow His way and not give in to compromise.

Your old mom is speaking from experience, because I have failed in this area more than once. I am ashamed to admit that there have been times I have compromised in different areas of my life. Taking every thought captive to Christ is crucial to maintaing our friendship with God.

Again, great post my son. Keep thinking these things through and continue to let Jesus be your guide. He loves you and I do too!

Love and prayers,