
The American Dream

What is the American Dream? For years this has been a question that has had no definitive answer. I do not presume to say I know all that the American Dream entails. I only wish to share the story of my great-grandparents and how it fulfills the American Dream.

My family has lived in the United States of America for a rather long time. Looking back it has been hard to find anything about who came when, or even why they came. My Grandpappy was born near Lebanon, Pennsylvania and my Grammy in Shamokin, Pennsylvania. Both have very different stories, but God in his providence led them, preserved them and enabled them to achieve the American Dream.

Born September, 20 1919 on the outskirts of Philadelphia, Raymond William Zweitzig was a lad of blue eyes and blond hair. My Grandpappy was taken from his parents at age six and put into foster care along with his brother Jim. When he would see his Aunt Edith, she would always tell him that she was praying for him and Jim. Within a two year time period Grandpappy and “Uncle” Jim were moved around a total of six times. Eventually they ended up in Ivyland, but the grandmother of the family didn’t like them. They were moved around to other numerous homes in Philadelphia until they were both moved to a farm in Bulltown. Soon after they were both again moved to live with a family in Edgehill. The lady at their new home would not allow them to play or participate in any sports. Grandpappy took his brother and ran away back to the Jones farm near Richboro, Pa. He has said the whole of his childhood he never felt that anyone truly loved him.
Born August, 11 1920 in Shamokin, Pennsylvania, Betty Irene Flyscher, my Grammy was bought up in a loving God honoring family. She moved back and forth between Shamokin and Philadelphia during her childhood until her parents finally bought a home in Philadelphia on Oak Lane. Her mother always taught her to take everything, no matter how small to the Lord in prayer.

Ray and Betty, Grandpappy and Grammy met through a mutual friend and began to spend time with each other along with “the gang”, a group of their friends. For the first time in his life, my Grandpappy heard that someone truly loved him, and that it was the Lord, who never leaves us nor forsakes us. They married and although they were never rich, they were never truly wanting. Together they established a stable loving environment where Christ is first. Numerous times I have talked with them and they have told me that they are the richest people alive not because of money or status quo. More important than any of those things they have the Lord as their Savior, as well as children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren that love them, and love and honor the Lord.

God led, preserved, and provided the American Dream for my Great-Grandparents. Our country was founded on Christ; we are “one nation under God”. It is a life where we are free to honor and worship God. As Christians this is the most important dream we could ever have.


Susan Skitt said...

Wonderfully written and expressed by a heart who wants to fulfill God's purpose for his life.

Love you my son. I am so happy and thankful to the Lord God that you are following Him. You are God's messenger to the next generation of His everlasting mercies and love through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ!

Maxine said...

You are so right about the most important dream we can have, Jared! I'm a friend of your mom's and she's given me permission to link to this post. It was a blessing to read.

Sharon Lynne said...

Nice essay. I really enjoyed the story about your grandparents. I felt sad about your grandfather not having anyone to love him. I'm so glad he found the Lord!
(I am a blog-friend of your mom's.)

Amanda said...

Gidday! I just stumbled across your blog today (via your mum's blog, which I also just stumbled across today)

Excellent essay! I live in Australia. I wish the American Dream you have described, could be that of ALL Australian people as well!

Your grandparents are truly blessed to have been united together, by the Lord. Such different upbringings, but such devotion to the the Lord. Very precious! They must be proud of you.

God bless you :o)

weaning said...

Hello, you do not know me nor I you but I came across your blog while looking for God's plan for me. You remind me so much of my daughter that has gone to Athens Greece to be a missionary. It is so wonderful to know that young people are still turning to God for all things. Keep your faith it will always bring you through.

Anonymous said...

I have been upset lately,I know part of it is situational and I have a cold.My peace was distrubed.I like seeking after God who can alway help with the big picture look of things. I have the word rest written on my wall but my eyes have been blind to it this past week.I have allowed myself to suffer for NO reason.I took My mind off God and started looking at the day to dayness of life which blocked my view of His rest He had freely given me.I can truly testify "He will keep you in perfect peace if you mind is stayed on Him.

Susan Skitt said...

I'm ready for a new post dear writer son :) Maybe once SAT prep and the test is over, or play practice for school :)

Unknown said...


This is beautiful! I appreciate seeing Nanna & Pappy (Grammy & Grandpappy) through your eyes. Having found this today was a blessing to me. Thank you!