
Getting Started

I have always had a heart to reach out to people and let them know that Jesus their creator loves them. I started this blog with the intention to put the gospel out there and also to encourage fellow believers in their walk. I cant say I know everything or that I will always be right but I pray that Christ gives me wisdom through all of this. If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment.

In Christ,


Susan Skitt said...

Well, Jared, my dear son. I am surprised and may I say pleased? Welcome, officially to blog land. Although we pass each other each day, and have many meaningful conversations, I am thrilled to be a part of your new blog, "Resting Content". What a nice choice of names and even nicer when you explained your reason for it. I pray that God will grant you the wisdom you seek, as you seek His face, He will guide you and all those He leads to this site. We all walk this road of life, sometimes it is hard, but we can rest content when we know Jesus as our Savior. Thanks for spelling it out from the book of Romans for all to join the journey.

P.S. It won't be long until you, like your cousin, are off to college and then we'll really have to communicate this way. Maybe I'll finally learn to text message, eh? And as Dad says, I'll have to learn to IM like you do. I know, I am a techno-challenged person, but I'm learning, slowly, but still learning! Thanks for teaching your dear old mom :)

James Kelly said...

Jared! I'm glad we can keep in touch through all this technology stuff like your momma was talking about. You're an amazing cousin. I always love talking to you because whenever I talk to you or read some stuff you post, I'm always encouraged in the Lord through you. I think it's awesome how much you care about God now isntead of most people(myself included) who think they can wait until they get to college or go "out in the real world" to really care about the things of the Lord. You are one kool cuz. Keep up the good work my friend! Well, I told you about an hour ago that I was going to go to bed so I think I might actually do that now. TTYL Gyro!